Introduction of Maaref e Ahlalbait Trust ®
“People who strive towards us and our way We must guide them towards our way”
(Surah al Ankboot 69)
Maarefeahlalbait a.m Trust Institute:
Maarefeahlalbaitam a.m Trust Institute: In 1989 Allama Muhammad Sadiq Haideri came in Niaz Baig, the momaineen of Niaz Baig were inspired of his behavior and knowledge, so they invited him to next year again. In 1990, Allama Muhammad Sadiq Haideri came in Niaz Baig and momineen gained much benefit from Him and got spiritual relaxation. They asked him to come here again next year for the 3rd year; He asked if you did some educational work here, he would come there for you all otherwise He couldn’t come because the Ulema and schlolars are concerned with religious knowledge, studing and teaching. When they listened to Him, they all got agreed with Him. In 1991, when He came in Niaz Baig, the momineen started their efforts in this way. People who came in front are.
Rai Afsar Ali Bhatti (Late)
Dr. Iqbal Hussain Dogar
Akram Dogar
Dr. Zulqurnain
Syed Iltaf Hussain Shah
Afzal Hussain Dogar and others.
In 1992, more people took part in this work and made sure to Allama Muhammad Sadiq Haideri of their cooperation. They promised to discipline the institution and Trust and to act upon the advice of constitution writing. Next year in 1993, Allama came back for teaching and training.

In 12-7-1993, a meeting was held to establish an institution in which nine people participated, and Allama suggested the name ‘Maarefeahlalbaitam Trust’. Allama refused to take charge of this institute but people forced him to be the lifetime chairperson. So kind that He accepted the proposal. In 16-7-1993, they held a meeting in which 20 people took part In another meeting on 18-7-1993, in which 12 people took part. They made a committee. They gave some people the responsibility to go and talk with the people for some land. In 6-8-1993, a meeting was called in which 13 people took part and approved the establishment of a cabinet.
In 5-9-1993, they registered ‘Maaref-e-AhlalBait AM Trust’ according to the govt. act 1882. Its official registered number is “No. RP/5056/L/5/93/1048/ Dated: 12-9-1993.
In 18-2-1994, the heirs of Akbar Ali Dogar donated 2 canal land to ‘Maaref-e-AhlalBait AM Trust’ through Waqf nama(Reg.) for requital of Late Akbar Ali Dogar. In 23-9-1994, printing of book “Liqa Allah” was discussed and book “Allah se Mulaqat” published. In 5-3-1996, one of the members took sorry for the funding of Trust and gave resignation from the membership. In this meeting remaining members were 18 and made the decision that those members who wanted to resign, they surely can. And the members who don’t come in the meetings regularly, notices would be issued to them and special membership must be cancelled if they did not bother. A fund of 37000 was collected for four sided wall of Bholay Shaheed building. In 8-11-1996, it was decided to inaugurate four sided wall around 2 canal land donated by heirs of Akbar Ali Dogar (Late).
In 24 Jan.1997, notices were issued to some members and also decided to cancel the membership of those members who did not pay the annual funds. On same date, Rai Afsar Ali Bhatti was selected as the Vice chairman of the Trust.
Al-Zahra (S.A) Model School started working on 25th July 1999.
In 16 July 2000, it was decided to cancel membership those members who do not fulfill the requirements of constitution of theTrust and to issue notices to those who had no interest with the Trust.
In 20 July 2001, Rai Hakim Ali Bhatti (late) son of Rai Anwer Ali Bhatti (late) donated to Trust a land of one canal five marlas. In 11-04-2003 internal building of Bhollay shaheed was inaugurated. In 11-04-2004, a meeting was called for Surah Fatiha for vice chairman (late) Rai M.Nawaz Bhatti. In 01-04-2005, a meeting was held for the construction of basement of Al-Zahra (S.A) Model School.
In 23-10-2005, Vice chairman of Trust was selected. In 02-04-2006, it was planned to complete the construction of roofs. In 05-11-2006, floor of the basement was laid.In 11-09-2008, it was focussed to construct the building of Bhollay Shaheed .
In 08-05-2009, summer camp was held in Al-Zahra (S.A) Model School.In 30-08-2009, the height of external walls of Bhollay Shaheed was raised and it was completed on 21st of November 2009.

In 03-03-2010, first floor was constructed on already constructed ground floor.
In 18-07-2010, proper and regular education was started in Madrisa Shaheed Al-Hussain (A.S) and Research Center, it was also decided that nobody without Aalim could interfere with internal affairs of Madrisa.
In 08-08-2010, ex-vice president was confronted among the members by making amendments and changes in constitution and he was accepted by the majority, and Allama Ayatullah Muhammad Sadiq Haideri was selected as lifetime chairperson and nine new members showed their interest to be the special member.
In 22-08-2010, record was handed over to new general secretary.
In 10-01-2011, safety arrangements were made to secure the children from intensity of winter weather.
In 27-01-2011, Altaf Hussain Shah announced his resignation from the post of chairman and cast aside the duties of the Trust. His announcement was made written and delivered to general secretary. Chairperson of the Trust accepted the resignation on same date.
In 30-01-2011, a meeting of general body was held and chairperson took an eye view and interpreted resignation of ex-chairman and vice chairman and on his option Rai Jawad Raza Bhatti was chosen as a president, all the members accepted it. Shahid Iqbal was assigned the duty of general secretary, M. Akram doger of finance secretary, Tauqeer Abbas of deputy general secretary. Allama Syed Hasnain Naqvi took oath from all cabinet members. It was especially decided that there would be no direct or indirect connection and interaction of the trust with local politics. In this meeting, 25 members participated.

In 23-02-2011, it was decided to complete the building of trust as soon as possible.In 10-04-2011, two toilets and one washroom were constructed in Bhollay Shaheed. In 06-07-2011, a decided was made to build second storey of Bholly Shaheed.
In 07-09-2011, construction of building of Madrissa Al-Shaheed Al-Hussain and research center was started by donated amount (money) of martyr Irshad Begum Mahtam. In 26-11-2011, It was decided to start and arrange ashra-e-moharam in both buildings of theTrust. In 05-02-2012, four sided walls of Bholly Shaheed were made more secure by iron bars.
In 12-07-2015, after the death of ex-general secretary Nazir Hussain, Ashfaq Haider Bhatti was selected as general secretary of the Trust and Rai Talib Hussain as general secretory of cabinet.
Note: Nine books of islmaiat from starting class to class 8 have been published in Sindhi language after translation. Two books Insan-e-Kamil and Allah se Mulaqat have also been translated in Sindhi language and shall be published in near future. Because of these books, the name of Niaz Baig is now well known and is shining all over the world like a star.
All these books are available in Islamic university “Al-Jamia-tul-Mustafa Al-Ilmia” of Qum. Main institutes of Qum city also demand these books and keep in their record. The books of our Trust are precious capital and are unique and un-exemplary as compared to the worth of books of Pakistani and Indian authors available here. If anyone has doubt, he can get information from there.
In Qum, our books are also available at “Madrisa Hujatia” and “Madrisa Imam Khomeni” which are specific for external common people and students. Complete sets of our books are available there. Urdu speaking students are getting benefit from these prestigious books. The sets of our books are also present in the famous Library of Imam Raza A.S in Mashhad Muqadas. Students from Sindh, Punjab, Kashmir and India are getting benefits from these books. Our all books are also found in library of Haram of Hazrat Ali A.S in Najaf Ashraf. These are source of information and guidance for all humans either they are Indian or from Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan, Sindh, Punjab but also for all those who understand urdu language from all over the world. Even few Iraqi students have saved these as precious spiritual holy treasure.
The University of Baghdad is also in search of persons to translate these urdu books into Arabic. Scholars of India have ordered these books by post and the visitors for ziarat Roza e Imam Ali A.S are taking the books by hand from Najaf Ashraf. These books are written at peak level regarding logic, philosophy, ethics and knowledge of Irfan (to know Allah). Most of Shia scholars and ulema are not capable of writing books like ours. If anyone has doubt, can ask Pakistani ulema to understand and interpret these books?
However those who have irfani taste and are fond of learning the teachings of this school of thought are comprehending these books and are realizing and making others realize the grand esteem and glory of Ahl-al-bait a.S.Although some books have been written on manazra (comparative study) in India and Pakistan but the books of Trust are written at the peak level of knowledge that these have got the highest place in wisdom and intellect.
2. Al
It started working at Mohallah Malkan wala Niaz Baig in July 25, 1999. Syllabus of Govt. of Pakistan is being taught here, though Islamiat of Fiqh e jaafria has been included in syllabus. The author of these Islamiat books is founder of Trust, Allama Muhammad Sadiq Haideri. Almost 1200 students has got education and training till now. Students of this institution are getting prominent positions in board and getting admission in Engineering Univeristy and some are running the tution centre.
3. Buildings:
On both lands donated to Maaref-e-ahl-al-bait A.S, two buildings have been built, still working is in progress slowly and steadily. Expenses of construction are meeting by the cooperation of members of Trust and few momin well wishers.

4. Teaching of Quran:
Since the building starts, the teaching of Quran is in progress and hundreds of boys and girls have completed education of Quran. By the grace of Allah, this teaching of Quran will be continued.
5. Al-Shaheed Al-Hussain Islamic Madrissa (Institute) and Research Centre:
It started at Bhollay Shaheed as the second branch of the Trust after establishment of School. Here teaching on subjects of logic, philosophy, irfan (to know Allah), hikmat (Wisdom), literature and islam is continued. Knowledge seeking students are getting benefit from here. Dr Zafar abbas is the Incharge and teacher of this Islamic educational centre.
6. Populate the Local Mosques of Niaz Baig.
The students of Madrissa (Institute) are paying the duty of imamat in mosques of Niaz Baig without any cost.
7. Welfare Services of the Trust:
i) To make financially strong, members of the Trust have been provided with financial aid, now they are employed with their own business.
ii.) Qaiser Shah Hamdani, who has been serving as a Aalim e din since 25 years, has been gifted a registered plot of 5 marlas as hadiya whose acceptance is an honour and encouragement for the Trust.
iii.) needy feasible and intelligent students are monetory helped by the trust. Problems have been solved and marriages of young members have been arranged. This is the part of mission of Trust.
9. Library:
Trust has a library. Books distributed in two branches count almost 4000. Members and students are getting benefit from these.
10. Azadari:
Azadari is continued since the
time this Trust was established. Days of Wiladat (days of appearance in this
world) and days of shahadat (days of martyr) of every Masoom A.S are arranged
regularly accordingly. Also mourning programs are arranged on the day of
Shahadat of companion of Hazrat Imam Hussain in

11. Website:
A website is developed under the supervision of Trust having brief introduction of Trust and its services. All the books written by Ayatullah Allama Muhammad Sadiq Haideri and published by the Trust are also available on the website to quench the thirst of knowledge of whole humanity.
Downloading of all books is free and without any cost. It has been specially arranged Online actual and comprehensive answering of questions on Fiqh e Akbar ( about primary beliefs and ideology), on Fiqh e kabir 9about self reliance) and on Fiqh e Asghar (means secondry Islamic shria problems).
- Finance: (Budget):
All expenses related to Azadari programs, books, printing and construction of both buildings are met by members of the Trust and common momin well wishers on daily, monthly and annually basis. There is no thought and consideration of Govt. or any other country’s aid. Also there is no concept of begging others. 10% expenses by common momin wellwishers and 90% by the members of the Trust are presented to before Maula (Imam) from their hardworking halal earning. All the Trust accounts are externally audited regularly. A land of 2 Acre has been purchased in Sindh for an Institution named “Maktaba-Tul-Mustafa” under the supervision of Trust chairperson ayatollah Muhammad Sadiq haideri. A strong building of an area 42x42 ft has been constructed over there. Teaching and training will be started in near future. That institution of Sindh has permanent status because it is the demand of the area. A management committee has been finalized according to the requirement of culture of Sindh.
But even then, those ignorant illetrate who are unable to support the trust try to overwhelm Trust and blame the Trust of indulging in having relation with agencies and. They have satanic belief of getting sawab (good reward from Allah) by showing enmity against the Trust and its members.
Note: Members of the Trust have been constrained to publish this report containg extra ordinary performance of Trust, otherwise we don’t need any pretention and presentation. And “hereafter and ultimate ending is for the pious”.